The main barrier to progress for e-Government services in most of countries has been a shortfall in useful services. Lack of availability and use for online identification and authentication has an immediate and profound impact on the ability of citizens to use transactional services. The result of this is that many services continue to require face-to-face contact for the entire transaction, or for at least a portion of the process.
Assuch,thereisanelementof‘chickenandegg’atplaywhereservicesarenotusedbecauseofatechnology shortfall, and the technology shortfall is not met because there are insufficient services to build interest.This carries over into general supply and demand issues, where administrators have reigned in their investment in services for fear that public and business uptake will fall short of desired levels.
As part of this transformation, government agencies must identify and automate their procedures and adopt better, more efficient management practices. This change will require a focused approach to process improvement and Customer Experience (Omni Channel, Mobile, Cloud).