convedo Tech Talk

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Sascha Cutura

Let's talk automation.

Setting the Alert Message in Loopback actions with Metastorm [Tip]

Setting the Alert Message in Loopback actions with Metastorm [Tip]

Sometimes we get questions from our customers to very fundamental functionality in OpenText MBPM. One of them was regarding the Alert Message which is visble to users in the ToDo- and Watchlist when using Loopback actions. When using a Loopback action, by default the action updates the Alert Message with the action name of the Loopback action itself. This might not be the expected result. In some cases, the prefered result is to show the previous message, the one which was responsible for the folder ending up at a specific stage. The following quick tip is based on a short cut solution which has been made available by Metastorm many years ago.

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OpenText MBPM Metastorm BPM end of life dates - convedo

What are the end of life dates for Metastorm BPM or OpenText MBPM?

Most big software vendors are continuously improving their software and adding new features to make their customers happy. Therefore it doesn't comes with surprise that older version of the software are not supported by their support helpdesks.

Although companies try their best to continue supporting old versions many years after they have been superseded by newer versions. But at some point every version need to come to an "End-Of-Life".

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