BPM Organizational Tips and Initiative Ownership

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Business process management (BPM) is a methodical business approach that improves a company's workflow. When developed, integrated and applied correctly, BPM has the can improve business processes throughout the entire organization. The most important developmental aspect of any effective BPM plan is its organizational structure, starting with the lead position and filtering down to all other levels.
The Role of IT
It is common for the IT department to take the lead role during the early stages of the BPM process. For many companies, this organizational structure works well because members of the IT department have an in-depth knowledge of the digital transformation required with the BPM approach. The IT department also already operates in a multi-functional capacity and works in coordination with most, if not, all the departments within the business.
BPM Team Structure
In order for a BPM approach to operate efficiently throughout the company, a BPM planning and development team is vital. This team should consist of executive leaders within the company, vital players in the IT departments and designated staff members from each department within the organization. This comprehensive team will ensure that the BPM approach is functioning properly at all levels. It also allows the team to detect and correct any workflow problems in a timely and efficient manner.
Initiative Ownership Acceptance
BPM is not a static process that only requires one initial setup phase. Rather, the aim of a BPM approach is to allow it to develop and improve over time. This requires the flexibility to evolve over the long term. In turn, this leads to the need to make a number of critical decisions quickly and efficiently. This means that a leader must be at the head of the BPM organizational structure that can make fast business decisions.
While it is appropriate for your IT department to handle the initial stages of the BPM creation, it is important for the business owner or executive director to transition into the lead position soon afterward. Business owners and directors should retain support services from the IT department whenever necessary. The business owner, however, should own the BPM initiative and the decisions involving the processes.
BPM strategies have become very effective at strengthening workplace processes within organizations, and this can improve employee relations, boost productivity, enhance customer service and increase sales. It is crucial to develop a comprehensive BPM team and to identify a strong leader who is willing to accept ownership of the BPM initiative.