Top 8 factors for BPM Success

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Business Process Management (BPM) involves much more than simply modeling business processes. It encompasses the ongoing improvement and management of an organization’s end to end business processes with a view to gaining competitve advantage.
The list below summarizes the top eight critical factors for BPM success.
BPM professionals work together to integrate the use of various improvement methods (BPM, Lean, Six Sigma, OpEx, etc) and cross train groups on the best approach for the job.
Effective Process Improvement
The selected processes have been modeled at the right level of detail. The “as is” process models have been validated by people closest to the work and are based on both the customer’s point of view and that of the company. The process analysis considers performance in terms of timeliness, cost, quality and productivity. Organizational readiness is assessed in making the transition from process design to implementation.
A common set of process modeling tools are in place. There is a central repository for process models and a conscious effort on automating planned process designs. Business activity Monitoring (BAM) is executed as part of process redesign implementation. Security firewalls and system integration issues are well addressed in introducing BPM technology. There is a close integration between BPM technology and analytics.
Ongoing management of the entre set of a company’s business processes involves paying attention to process governance and ongoing performance measurement. There is an ongoing effort to shift management attention from a departmental focus to a process based view of customer value creation.
The senior leadership team is open to embrace a customer focused; process based view of business (BPM). Of course, leadership engagement is a prerequisite for practically any major change program in addition to BPM.
There is a strong champion for BPM who has communicated a compelling case for change based on a business issue that is widely acknowledges as critical to the company.
Measuring what maters to customers and to the company are recognized as being essential to success. This involves viewing the business form the outside-in and measuring the timeliness and quality of the company’s value creating business processes as well as the traditional financial metrics of volume, cost and productivity.
There is a high level process architecture depicted on one page, which is regularly discussed and widely understood. The current performance of top priority processes needing improvement is known and priorities are identified.