Most big software vendors are continuously improving their software and adding new features to make their customers happy. Therefore it doesn't comes with surprise that older version of the software are not supported by their support helpdesks.
Although companies try their best to continue supporting old versions many years after they have been superseded by newer versions. But at some point every version need to come to an "End-Of-Life".
"End-of-Live" in software terms means that there will be no normal support for the product anymore. Most companies might come up with an extra payable support plan to continue the support of the older versions for specific customers. "End-Of-Life" means you should start thinking of upgrading to the new version of Metastorm BPM, to OpenText MBPM soon.
Update: OpenText made the decision to extend the support for MBPM 7.6.4 to January 2018! This will give customers currently using Metastorm BPM 7.6.4 time to decide on whether to move to OpenText MBPM v9 or OpenText Process Suite or OpenText AppWorks
Update: OpenText made the decision to extend the support for MBPM 7.6.4 to January 2019!
Update: The latest roadmap can be found on OpenText My Support.
The following table provides information regarding the release dates and subsequent support expiry dates for the OpenText MBPM products (eWork, Metastorm BPM).
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this information, please feel free to contact our team of OpenText MBPM and Metastorm BPM experts.
Learn more about the migration to a new version in our article Elements of a smooth Metastorm BPM migration project.