How are organisations preparing for Intelligent Automation?

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With the changing structure of a traditional workforce thanks to the implementation of automated processes, businesses are now rapidly looking to scale these solutions with Artificial intelligence (AI). Seeing the success of robotics reducing workload and driving efficiency, Intelligent Automation is now at the forefront of business executives’ minds to innovate further. But how are these organisations preparing for Intelligent Automation?

Before defining the steps needed to introduce Intelligent Automation, why are so many companies now racing to get the solutions in play?

Despite many initial concerns from business executives around robotics and its application within the workplace, RPA solutions have shown a much-reduced manual workload that improved efficiency without detriment to the human workforce. The removal of repetitive tasks led to workers being placed on more advanced tasks rather than being removed. In addition, these automated tasks are being implemented quickly but more importantly done accurately and at speed. Seeing these benefits at this initial level is rapidly pushing Intelligent Automation to the front of the priority list.

With the competitiveness for businesses to get Intelligent Automation integrated as quickly as possible, firstly the firm must assess themselves to ensure they have the relevant attributes to succeed. It can be easy for companies to get drawn in by the benefits of Intelligent Automation, but implementing such solutions without preparation or assessment can lead to scalability issues. To ensure companies do not make this mistake, Intelligent Automation partners have defined certain areas that companies should be reliable in before applying a solution.

A recent Deloitte report outlined six key characteristics required for the successful integration of Intelligent Automation.

  • A clear enterprise-level approach for Intelligent Automation that demonstrates returns on revenue, cost reduction and workforce capacity.
  • Combine RPA and Artificial Intelligence
  • There needs to be existing technology, infrastructure and cyber security in place to utilise Intelligent Automation to its full capacity.
  • Clear processes and standards in place already that Intelligent Automation can improve
  • The ability and understanding of how to capture value
  • Process simplification is driven by want and need to reduce costs.

Having understood the reasons behind the want and need for Intelligent Automation, how are companies preparing for its introduction?

Process automation

Workforce awareness

To incorporate any Intelligent Automation solution with the current workforce, they must be clearly informed and on board with the forgoing plan. Dumping such solution without warning on to an already hard-working group of staff will only lead to internal disruption. The best approach is to encourage training and development of skills around embracing automation. The increasing amount of responsibility being placed on automation projects may concern some staff members. Therefore, it must be made clear to staff that their jobs are not in danger, but that their roles may change. Several recent studies have found that employees are supportive of such changes, mainly because it will offer further support and remove many monotonous tasks.

In the process of making the workforce aware of the changes, this also provides the business with an opportunity to review how the staff are performing. Bringing Intelligent Automation into the conversation can help align a company just by getting them to step back and think about their processes. By conducting these reviews, it will provide a better idea of how to implement Intelligent Automation.

Prepare to be innovative

The peak performance of Intelligent Automation comes from combining RPA and AI. This combination can produce optimum efficiency when automating various processes, but many do not initially include AI in their thoughts when discussing an Intelligent Automation solution. Without AI, there can be complexities when scaling the solution; hence why it is always best to include AI in the planning. Of course, Intelligent Automation can be implemented successfully without AI, and many companies have reaped the benefits of this before. However, a business that wants to grow at scale must involve AI in their conversations as this will ensure the best results, especially at a bigger, more advanced level.

Intelligent Automation

Adding talent

When looking to add Intelligent Automation into a business, there is no doubt that efforts must be put into adding high skilled talent to the workforce. This is not to say that the original staff must be replaced but that from a scalability point of view, automation solutions will require highly skilled workers. By employing such experts relieves the pressure on business execs worry around training. Having an RPA specialist working alongside staff can help provide a hands-on insight to ensure staff gain a clear understanding of the technology and its benefits. Linking back to the previous point, if the staff are again not made aware of the incoming additional and what they will add to the business, the original workforce may raise concerns or feel alienated. Equally, the incoming higher skilled members must be briefed thoroughly regarding the changes and impact they will be having on the business.

To ultimately succeed with Intelligent Automation, businesses must be honest with themselves to make sure they are ready to implement such technology. If the infrastructure is sufficient and the staff are consulted in detail before the step is taken, then Intelligent Automation can be extremely beneficial. Companies must not be scared to be upfront with their existing staff as they are critical to the solution becoming fully integrated before any thoughts of scaling up can be suggested.

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