convedo joins FinTech Trade Mission to Germany

convedo joins FinTech Trade Mission to Germany

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Convedo is excited to be part of the virtual trade mission to Germany, as part of the Mayor's International Business Programme. This initiative brings together some of London's fastest-growing fintech and cyber companies and provides a platform to explore opportunities for growth and expansion in Germany.

As part of the trade mission, Convedo will be virtually visiting the financial, banking, and fintech powerhouses of Germany, including Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich. These regions are home to globally recognized financial institutions and a robust fintech ecosystem, making them ideal locations for London fintechs, like Convedo, looking to expand their businesses.

Convedo is a leading provider of intelligent process automation solutions, helping enterprises, fast-growing fintechs, and neobanks build world-class AI-powered back-offices. With its proven track record of delivering innovative automation solutions, Convedo is well-positioned to help businesses achieve their automation goals in Germany and beyond.

As a participant in the trade mission, Convedo will have the opportunity to network with key stakeholders, including industry experts, potential clients, and partners. This will enable the company to gain valuable insights into the German fintech ecosystem, build relationships, and explore new growth opportunities.

In conclusion, Convedo is thrilled to be part of this virtual trade mission to Germany and is looking forward to the opportunity to connect with key stakeholders and explore new growth opportunities. If you are interested in learning more about Convedo's services and how they can help your business succeed, get in touch with their team of experts today. Let Convedo be your partner in intelligent process automation, and take the first step towards transforming your business for the better..


Learn more about the trade mission to Germany here:

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