Property Letting Management Appian Application

Property Letting Management

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The Property Letting Management application enables property lettings firms to maintain and manage all their properties on one application. Whether you’re a lettings manager, landlord, tenant, or maintenance worker, this app provides a streamlined experience for the user. 

This application aggregates multiple aspects of managing large property portfolios to streamline the management process and reduce inefficiencies. The application can be broken down into the following workflow listed below.

Logging and Solving Issues

maintenance issue

  • When an issue is encountered at a property, a tenant can log an issue with supporting images, and request work to be carried out.
  • Property Managers can review the issue, its supporting images, and then assign a suitable worker to complete the job.

maintenance issues

  • Maintenance Workers can review the job, and after accepting, they can submit the costs of the job for approval from the property manager. Once finished, the worker can set the job to completed and the issue is then resolved.

job cost

  • This process reduces wait time for issues to be resolved and leads to a happier tenant and landlord.

Building a databank of Service Providers

properties and landlord

  • Service providers can apply to be on a list of approved workers, who will be contacted when there are jobs to be completed.
  • The service providers provide their details, skill set, locations available to work and any supporting documentation.
  • Once accepted, they are added to the Provider database the Provider can access their personalised dashboard.

worker current jobs-1

  • This dashboard provides an overview of all their jobs and includes key KPIs highlighting the priority of their work still to be completed.
  • Creating a databank of service providers allows property managers to quickly manage and resolve issues, increasing their productivity and allowing them to focus on other aspects of their work.

Management of Property

tenant issue record

  • Our application enables easy management of tenancy details, including legal documents, notices of vacancies and tenant-landlord information.
  • Property details, including legal documents and safety certificates, can be stored in the property details.
  • On the property manager dashboard, key KPIs display the number of empty vacancies and critical tasks to be performed.
  • This will allow property managers to reduce empty vacancy time and increase revenue.

If you would like to see a demo of our Property Letting Management Appian Application, please contact us or arrange a call with our team of AI experts today, our teams are available for a chat about your business needs and objectives. We have the teams, knowledge and experience you need to successfully execute your intelligent automation initiatives. 

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